
how to change video quality on peacock

Streaming services are so commonplace that we often give fiddling thought to how much information they use until information technology's too late. It can exist a lot, but you can reduce data apply and prevent overages with a few small-scale changes here and there.

Despite the large number of streaming services and their associated apps, it's safe to say, 1 of them might be Pandora, Spotify, Netflix, or especially YouTube. All these have ways to change how much data they consume, which is specially important if you have a information cap and/or share bandwidth.

Obviously, of these, Netflix and YouTube will utilise more data and bandwidth. In fact, y'all're unlikely to experience bandwidth bug if you lot're only streaming music but that said, if you listen to music all day, information technology adds up, specially if yous're streaming higher quality audio.

Streaming Music? You Should exist Okay

Later on some observation and research, it'southward difficult to imagine that even with a paltry few gigabytes of mobile data, anyone could stream their way over their limit with Pandora or Spotify, as long as you pay attention to quality settings.

For Spotify, the "standard quality" setting on the desktop application, co-ordinate to Spotify'southward website, is ~160 kbps, which is known every bit "high quality" on mobile.

On a desktop or laptop, Premium Spotify subscribers can enable "high quality" (320kbps) streaming in the Spotify app'due south settings, which is equal to "Extreme Quality" on the mobile app (confusing isn't information technology?).

Regardless of what Spotify calls their audio quality tiers, non-Premium users can expect the highest quality music to stream at 160kbps (again, "Standard Quality" on the desktop, "Loftier Quality" on the mobile app).

While Spotify's desktop app volition merely stream music at 160kbps (unless y'all're a Premium subscriber), the Spotify mobile app can stream music at a lower 96kbps ("Normal Quality") to better minimize your mobile information footprint.

To empathize how that translates to you and your data caps, we used this streaming figurer to plug in 96kbps and 160kbps.

  • At 96kbps, you volition eat most 42MB of information in one hour, which translates to 0.04GB. To stream 1GB of information, yous'd need to stream for 24 to 25 hours.
  • At 160kbps, data use climbs to well-nigh 70MB in an hour, or 0.07GB. This ways y'all can stream 1GB of data in just under 15 hours.

Raising the audio quality setting volition give you a somewhat better listening experience but obviously utilise more data, more speedily.

Meanwhile, Pandora states on their website:

Pandora on the Web plays 64k AAC+ for gratis listeners and 192kbps for Pandora One subscribers. All in-home devices play 128kbps audio, and mobile devices receive a multifariousness of different rates depending on the adequacy of the device and the network they are on, but never more than than 64k AAC+. (emphasis ours)

Pandora too allows y'all to crash-land up the quality (to 64kbps maximum) in its settings, but is configured by default to lower quality sound.

Again, plugging in the numbers, we encounter how much data Pandora uses.

  • Streaming at 64kbps volition consume nearly 28MB or 0.03GB of data, which means you tin can expect to hit a gigabyte in simply over 36 hours.
  • At 128kbps, hourly information utilise literally doubles to 56MB or 0.05GB, and that means your listening fourth dimension will effectively halve to a little over eighteen hours.

Bear in mind, Pandora'due south mobile data bitrate never exceeds 64kbps, so that's probable the virtually interesting number to mobile data users. Unlike Spotify all the same, yous can probably become away with using the higher quality setting, every bit long as information technology doesn't affect playback too adversely.

Be Careful with Video Streaming

Video streaming is going to always use far more data than music by virtue of the mere fact that it'due south video. But, there are even so settings you can adapt to convalesce how much data they use.

Indeed, if you have Netflix installed as an app, you lot can force information technology to only stream over Wi-Fi thus ensuring you don't mistakenly swallow into your mobile data allowance.

The Netflix Android app'southward settings.

If you use Netflix at home, such as in a browser, or you stream to your Chromecast or on your Roku notwithstanding, you need to get-go access the information settings via To do this, click "Your Acount" from your profile carte.

On the next screen, click "playback settings" in the "My Profile" department.

In the "Playback Settings", you tin can at present adjust your data usage per screen. Normally it is set to "Auto" only y'all can forcefulness it to play at low quality (up to 0.3GB per hr) or medium (up to per hour). If you're lucky plenty to exist able to stream loftier quality video, you can expect to consume 3GB to 7GB per hour.

Setting Netflix's per screen data usage to "low" doesn't mean you can now start streaming Netflix videos via your mobile information connection. Information technology does mean your home Internet connection is less likely to crumble under the stress of other members of the household using it at the same time, which, if they're watching YouTube, can happen in a hurry.

YouTube, a Mobile Data Hog

YouTube is by far the biggest video streaming site on world, and so you can expect to contribute a lot of information and bandwidth to it. It'south hard to just watch one YouTube video, and chances are pretty proficient, about people watch YouTube videos every day.

Therefore, it's particularly important, if yous lookout man YouTube on your phone over a mobile connectedness, to check your YouTube settings.

Exercise this past tapping the options dots in the upper-right corner, and then tap "Settings -> Full general" and tick the box next to "limit mobile data usage." This will clinch that you can only stream HD YouTube videos over a Wi-Fi connection.

This won't prevent you from watching videos on YouTube when you're out and nigh, it but means you won't exist able to lookout Hard disk drive videos unless y'all're on Wi-Fi. It's a good solution merely honestly, the mode YouTube sucks united states in, we know how easy it can be to quickly rack up a large watched video count.

Upon beginning load, all our videos default to 480P, simply in that location's a quick trick you can utilize to ensure they play at a lower resolution. Click on your business relationship film in the upper-correct corner of YouTube and click the settings gear.

On the adjacent screen, click the "Playback" link and under "video playback quality" and cull the "I have a wearisome connection" selection.

After using YouTube with this option enabled, our videos defaulted to 360P.

Yes but, How Much Information Do YouTube Videos Use?

The thing well-nigh YouTube videos are that even at lower resolutions, they can still consume a lot of data. How much data? It'south hard to say exactly since unlike Netflix, YouTube videos aren't consistent from one uploader to the next, but we can take some measurements and brand some observations.

Let's accept an easy instance. Everyone knows the video Gangham Style. Information technology's been viewed over two-billion times, it's available in 144P through 1080P, so let's queue that video up in each of information technology's different resolutions and run across how much data that video consumes using the firewall and data monitoring tool Glasswire.

The get-go fourth dimension nosotros load whatsoever video, it has to load the sound rail as well, so it takes a picayune longer and the file size is initially larger. From thereon, the audio runway is buried, so when nosotros change resolutions, YouTube simply loads the video bits, so the file size is relatively smaller and information technology doesn't take as long either.

Gangham Style is only over four minutes long (4:12 to be exact), and according to this source, the boilerplate audio bitrate is (probably) about 128kbps, which is approximately 4MB for a 4-infinitesimal long song.

In the following tabular array, we nowadays our Gangham Manner findings. Each video's observed size is adjusted to include the size of the audio runway (every bit if you were loading each resolution the first time). This isn't exact nor meant to exist official, it's just a rough thought of the size of an average pop music video with its accompanying audio rails.

Video Resolution ~Size + 4MB Audio Rail
144P 6.6MB
240P 9.6MB
360P 15.2MB
480P 25.2MB
720P 44.6MB
1080P 73.5MB

The takeaway here is pretty apparent. Don't sentry HD videos on your mobile connection and even at lower resolutions, YouTube videos can really add together upward.

How much practice they add upwardly over the form of time?

Nosotros cleared our results from Glasswire and only went from popular music video to pop music video – 20 in all – at the default resolution (480P) and observed how much information they used.

As y'all can come across, twenty pop music videos at 480P consumed over 400MB of information, which averages out to around 20MB per video.

The bottom line hither is YouTube's data footprint can add together up very quickly, but really any video you stream will do that, then you want to make sure you simply watch video on a non-metered Wi-Fi connection.

Obviously, these 4 services aren't the simply ones. There's Hulu, Amazon Prime, Soundcloud, Rdio, and many more than. For everything else, take a minute to peruse any settings in your apps and accounts to make sure yous're streaming at a mobile data-friendly bitrate, when possible.

Finally, if there is an option that prevents watching Hard disk drive video (or in the case of Netflix, any video) using mobile information, plough that on likewise.

If yous have anything you'd like to add, whatever questions, comments, or observations, please share them with us in our discussion forum.


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