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The Demodex folliculorum mite is a type of parasite that lives on humans. Most of the time, these mites are harmless and volition go unnoticed. However, larger numbers of D. folliculorum mites tin cause unwanted symptoms and skin problems.

D. folliculorum mites live in or around hair follicles, feeding on the dead skin cells, oils, and hormones that build up there. These mites commonly live on the face, including the eyelids and eyelashes.

D. folliculorum mites are more common in males than in females, with people aged xx–xxx years old the nearly likely to exist afflicted.

In this commodity, nosotros await at what causes D. folliculorum mites to become a problem and the conditions associated with their presence. We besides cover diagnosis and treatment, including home remedies.

A magnified image of the D. folliculorum mite. Share on Pinterest
A magnified image of the D. folliculorum mite on a human eyelash.
Prototype credit: Vladimir064, 2017

D. folliculorum mites are unremarkably harmless but tin can cause issues for people with weakened immune systems.

Therefore, people at risk of experiencing symptoms include those who:

  • are taking corticosteroids, such every bit prednisone
  • have a history of cancer or liver disease
  • are living with HIV

Some other people may be genetically susceptible to D. folliculorum and thus more than sensitive to the presence of the mites.

Likewise, D. folliculorum mites are sometimes present in greater numbers in people with certain skin weather condition. Examples of these include:


Rosacea is an inflammatory peel condition that causes facial flushing, redness, and dry lesions on the confront.

Some studies have plant that a person with rosacea can sometimes have four times more than Demodex mites on their face up than someone without the status. Amidst people with rosacea, those with subtype 1 are more likely to have a loftier number of these mites on their peel.

D. folliculorum mites have also been institute in the tear ducts of people with ocular rosacea, which is a type of rosacea that affects the eyes.


Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids that tin cause crusting, watering, and redness. Increased numbers of Demodex mites accept been noted in people with blepharitis.

Androgenetic baldness

Androgenetic alopecia is an inherited hair-loss condition that affects both men and women. It has been suggested that a chemical produced by the mites may trigger an inflammatory reaction that affects pilus follicles. Although Demodex mites do not cause androgenetic alopecia, they may worsen the condition.

Non-specific facial dermatitis

Increased numbers of Demodex mites are also associated with symptoms of non-specific dermatitis on the confront. These symptoms include itching, acne-like blemishes, and spots effectually the lips.

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Symptoms of D. folliculorum mites may include dryness, itching, acne-like blemishes, and redness.

Large numbers of D. folliculorum mites can cause rosacea-like symptoms on the peel of the face. These symptoms include:

  • dryness
  • itching
  • flushing
  • acne-similar blemishes
  • redness
  • crude-feeling pare
  • eye redness

The symptoms caused by D. folliculorum mites are sometimes mistaken for acne or severe skin dryness.

A doc volition outset the diagnosis of D. folliculorum by taking a medical history and examining the peel.

The mites are too small to be seen with the naked eye, so the physician will commonly do a peel biopsy. This involves taking a sample of the pare and examining it under a microscope.

Information technology is important to determine the quantity of mites living on the skin. A pocket-sized number of mites is unlikely to exist the cause of an individual's skin problems.

D. folliculorum mites are more probable to occur on the face. This can make treatment more challenging because the skin there is very sensitive.

A doctor may recommend treatment with creams such as crotamiton or permethrin. These are topical insecticides that tin kill mites and so reduce their numbers. The doctor may as well prescribe topical or oral metronidazole, which is an antibody medication.

A person tin make clean around their eyes using Demodex facial wipes or towelettes. Suitable products include Cliradex and Demodex Control. These products and others are bachelor online.

Doctors may also apply a loftier-concentration alcohol solution to a person's face up. This brings the Demodex mites to the surface. The dr. can then utilise substances to the skin that kill the mites and treat the condition.

For people who have a severely weakened immune system, a doctor may prescribe ivermectin.

At that place are also some preventive measures that a person can take at home. These include:

  • Washing the face twice daily with a gentle cleanser. Scrubbing the eyelids with baby shampoo may besides help.
  • Fugitive oil-based cleansers and greasy makeup, which can provide further "food" for the mites.
  • Exfoliating in one case or twice a week to remove expressionless skin cells.

Keeping the pare clean and dry also as addressing any underlying conditions may help to reduce the number of D. folliculorum mites.

For well-nigh people, the presence of D. folliculorum mites on the face is harmless.

Still, in larger numbers, these mites tin can crusade rosacea-like symptoms. Individuals with sure skin weather or weakened immune systems are at greater gamble of developing these symptoms.

A md can do a skin biopsy to determine if a person is living with an abnormally high level of mites. Treatment involves cleaning the face regularly and using various medications to kill the mites.