
Is Essence Necessary For Skin Care Reddit

Essence or toner

I read on another sub that's not very agile that if you accept normal skin use essence and if it is dry skin use toner. Is it either or because most sites outline toner later double cleanse. I'one thousand new to the daily regimen routine so kinda dislocated. Thank you in advance for the help.

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level 1

I honestly call back it depends on the person and their peel type. I have dry skin and use them both, but use the toner both in the forenoon and evening and my essence merely at night. From what I've read, a toner is considered more necessary than an essence. I've never considered using an essence as a toner, since I see toning every bit the step that rebalances the pH level of my face after cleansing (something I've found pretty important for my dry peel) and the essence every bit just added hydration (and not ever necessary). Hope this helps!

level 2

Thanks, that clarified the confusion. I'm just starting out with brands I buy at Walmart because since I'chiliad simply starting the routine I figure that anything will be meliorate than cypher at all. Is there a large difference going from a general brand to a more specialized brand? In that location must exist due to the difference in the toll.

level 1

I think when Korean products says it's "essence" they by and large function every bit a serum giving nutrients. It's a totally dissimilar thing from a toner. I think toner is a must and essence can be practical optionally. that'southward why I'd rather say dry skin needs more nutrients than oily pare. Oily pare doesn't need more essence than dry pare :)

level 1

My understanding is that when toner lowers your peel'due south pH, it allows following products, like essence and moisturizer, to blot better too.

level i

Toner is the most of import footstep and it is last stride of cleansing routine. Toners not only balance pare's ph level, but besides cleanses leftover things and soothes the pare. If you take dry skin, I would advise you to attempt an essence ( my opinion ). I hope y'all understand what I typed. ( I am non native speaker of English language ) I watch and so many Korean beauty gurus so yeah ☺️.

• Toner - Must! • Essence - Hydrates and moisturizes skin

level ii

And so toner and essence? Non one or the other?

level 1

What happens if you are already using a cleanser thats supposed to be ph balancing (low ph)? Do y'all still need a toner?

level 2

In Korea we always use toner regardless of how well you apple-pie ur confront coz nosotros believe the toner also soothes the skin along the grain.

level 2

I use ph balancing cleanser and also employ toner afterward the cleansing. My reasons are because I am not sure nearly the ph on the h2o that I utilise, then just to exist safe I utilise toner. And too for me toner is easier to absorb by my pare. My pare completely refreshed and supple afterwards use the toner

level 1

I use both. Toner first and so essence.

level 2

Ok, thanks for advice. I know that it is best to have everything under 1 brand but what's your experience with different products from different brands because I'm using cleansers and toner from a brand that doesn't take an essence in their line.

Is Essence Necessary For Skin Care Reddit,


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